Our high-quality terrace coverings for houses and gardens have been produced in Apen, Lower Saxony, for over 40 years. We offer a wide selection of different variations. Whether you prefer a patio covering made of aluminum or steel, we are happy to customize it to your individual needs. Discover our wide range of coverings and find the model that best suits your personal preferences.
A patio roofing provides protection against any kind of weather. Whether it's strong sun or rain, a covering creates a sheltered seating area on the terrace. This way, it becomes an extension of the living space all year round.
These coverings come in many variations: straight, curved, or with side panels – everything is possible with us. We mostly produce our coverings using glass and aluminum. This not only has aesthetic and functional advantages but also ensures high quality.
Furthermore, a glass patio roof impresses with its modern look. Not only new buildings but also older ones can be enhanced with a stylish covering. The covering can be colour-matched to the roof upon request.
One special feature of an aluminum covering is that the lightweight nature of the metal allows for a more delicate appearance. For example, a large terrace covering can be constructed with just 2 posts.
Eine Terrassenüberdachung aus Glas ist aus ästhetischer sowie auch aus funktionaler Sicht absolut überzeugend. Mit einer Terrassenüberdachung aus Glas setzen Sie auf eine offene und transparente Konstruktion, die Ihnen gleichzeitig ein Maximum an Schutz bietet. Wer eine Terrassenüberdachung aus Glas kauft, entscheidet sich für eine moderne Gestaltung mit einem langlebigen Charakter. Unsere Terrassenüberdachungen aus Glas und Aluminium sind für ihre Beständigkeit, ihre große Witterungsresistenz und ihre Vielseitigkeit bekannt. Nutzen Sie eine Terrassenüberdachung aus Glas und Alu deshalb nicht nur über ihrer Terrasse, sondern werfen Sie auch einen Blick auf die anderen möglichen Verwendungszwecke.
A patio roofing provides protection against any kind of weather. Whether it's strong sun or rain, a covering creates a sheltered seating area on the terrace. This way, it becomes an extension of the living space all year round.
These coverings come in many variations: straight, curved, or with side panels – everything is possible with us. We mostly produce our coverings using glass and aluminum. This not only has aesthetic and functional advantages but also ensures high quality.
Furthermore, a glass patio roof impresses with its modern look. Not only new buildings but also older ones can be enhanced with a stylish covering. The covering can be colour-matched to the roof upon request.
One special feature of an aluminum covering is that the lightweight nature of the metal allows for a more delicate appearance. For example, a large terrace covering can be constructed with just 2 posts.
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